Miskatonic Special Collections: Cthulhu Idol

Ok, so I lied. It actually didn’t start out with a blaster. It was actually this crazy idea I had to send a friend a mystery crate with a prop inside. Christian Matzke has undertaken the arduous task of creating the entire Necronomicon, and I thought it would be a neat way to show my appreciation for his efforts (in addition to supporting him via Patreon). It was almost as much fun to mysteriously text him “I hope you have a crowbar” when getting the delivery notification, as it was to see him unbox it.

I had wanted to make an Indiana Jones’ style warehouse crate for one of the first 3D prints I had made (as well as the first thing I made a mold of). This project was fun, as it required making something out of wood and learning the best way to weather it. Turns out, black tea with a wash of dissolved steel wool will create a really cool oxidized aging effect. This was also one of the first attempts I had done to add a patina effect to a bronze paint. Attempts were made to make a stamp with some really stubborn flexible filament, but it was also the reason I ended up buying a Silhouette cutter.

Circa September - October 2019


NN-14 Blaster